Maslosoft Binder Documentation
Knockout JS tracker and binding handlers with coffee and sugar
HREF Attribute
HREF binding handler is a shorthand for attr
binding handler for links href
attribute. Base syntax uses data bind HTML attribute:
<a data-bind="href: binder.model.Href.filename">Text</a>
Using with punches syntax
This binding, as well many others can be used with alternative syntax, called ko punches. Just
set href
attribute to observable reference wrapped with curly braces:
<a href="{{binder.model.Href.filename}}">Text</a>
Live example
Raw Link href | |
Link with data-bind |
This should point to above url |
Will wear-out inner a tags. Useful with user provided data. |
Link with punches | Using ko punches |
Link with target _blank |
This should open in new window |
Span element | This should have href attribute: |
Link value can be changed via JavaScript: Set href to `#`.
Example of using stopPropagation
Default behavior | This should show alert |
Option stopPropagation set to true |
This should not show alert |
Relevant code used in examples:
<table class="table table-condensed"> <tr> <th class="col-xs-6">Raw Link href</th> <td class="col-xs-6"> <input data-bind="textInput: binder.model.Href.filename"/> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Link with <code>data-bind</code></th> <td> <a data-bind="href: binder.model.Href.filename">This should point to above url</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Will wear-out inner <code>a</code> tags. Useful with user provided data.</th> <td> <a data-bind="href: binder.model.Href.filename"><span data-bind="html: binder.model.Inner.filename"></span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Link with punches</th> <td> <a href="{{binder.model.Href.filename}}">Using ko punches</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Link with target <code>_blank</code></th> <td> <a data-bind="href: binder.model.Href.filename" target="_blank">This should open in new window</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Span element</th> <td> <span id="spanHref" data-bind="href: binder.model.Href.filename">This should have href attribute: </span> </td> </tr> </table> <table class="table table-condensed"> <tr> <th>Default behavior</th> <td> <span onclick="alert('Clicked on span around link')"> <a data-bind="href: binder.model.Href.filename">This should show alert</a> </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Option <code>stopPropagation</code> set to <code>true</code></th> <td> <span onclick="alert('Clicked on span around link')"> <a data-bind="href: binder.model.Href.filename, stopPropagation: true">This should <i>not</i> show alert</a> </span> </td> </tr> </table> <script> window.onload = (function(){ binder.model.Href = new Maslosoft.Koe.Href({filename: ''}); binder.model.Inner = new Maslosoft.Koe.Href({filename: '<a href="">Should not have inner link inside</a>'}); ko.applyBindings({model: binder.model}, document.getElementById('ko-binder')); }); </script>