Maslosoft Binder Logo Maslosoft Binder Documentation
Knockout JS tracker and binding handlers with coffee and sugar

Data Model Attribute

Model data binding
Will apply data-model attribute with optionally selected fields

Should have data-model with all fields
Should have data-model with text field
Should have data-model with text field and ignore `bogus` field (should console warn)

Relevant code used in examples:

<div data-bind="model: binder.model.txt1">Should have data-model with all fields</div>
<div data-bind="model: binder.model.txt2, fields: ['text']">Should have data-model with text field</div>
<div data-bind="model: binder.model.txt2, fields: ['text', 'bogus']">Should have data-model with text field and ignore `bogus` field (should console warn)</div>

	window.onload = (function () {­
		var data1 = {­
			text: 'Val1'
		var data2 = {­
			text: 'Val2'
		var data3 = {­
			text: 'Val3'

		binder.model.txt1 = new Maslosoft.Koe.TextValue(data1);
		binder.model.txt2 = new Maslosoft.Koe.TextValue(data2);
		binder.model.txt3 = new Maslosoft.Koe.TextValue(data3);

		ko.applyBindings({­model: binder.model­}, document.getElementById('ko-binder'));