Maslosoft Binder Documentation
Knockout JS tracker and binding handlers with coffee and sugar
Widget Action
Widget Action Binding Handler creates widget action url dynamically. The widget action is a standard formatted URL from Ilmatar Widgets project to feed data-changing actions.
Action link
Widget Action link
Widget Action link simple param
Widget Action link simple numeric param
Widget Action link no params with tooltip
Plain link
Widget Action link
Widget Action link simple param
Widget Action link simple numeric param
Widget Action link no params with tooltip
Plain link
Relevant code used in examples:
<div> <a href="" data-bind="widgetId: 'ms_1', action: 'sort', params: {name: 'asc'}">Action link</a><br /> <a href="" data-bind="widget: binder.model.Widget, action: 'sort', params: {name: 'asc'}">Widget Action link</a><br /> <a href="" data-bind="widget: binder.model.Widget, action: 'sort', params: 'sss'">Widget Action link simple param</a><br /> <a href="" data-bind="widget: binder.model.Widget, action: 'status', params: 0">Widget Action link simple numeric param</a><br /> <a href="" rel="tooltip" title="My tooltip" data-bind="widget: binder.model.Widget, action: 'sort'">Widget Action link no params with tooltip</a><br /> <a href="" rel="plain" data-bind="widgetId: 'ms_1', action: 'sort', params: {name: 'asc'}">Plain link</a><br /> </div> <script> window.onload = (function () { binder.model.Tooltip = new Maslosoft.Koe.Tooltip({title: 'This is tooltip'}); binder.model.Widget = { id: 'ms_2' }; ko.applyBindings({model: binder.model}, document.getElementById('ko-binder')); jQuery('body').tooltip({ selector: '[rel~="tooltip"]' }); }); </script>