Maslosoft Mangan
MongoDB Object Persister
Unobtrusive Object Document Mapper
One could call mangan ODM which is in fact true, but mapping related tasks are at absolute minimum here. Document model itself is a plain php object with mostly optional annotations. Additional traits can be used to enhance models with features and methods.
Embedding other documents is as easy as setting property of root object
with other object or array of objects. To inform mangan that it's embedded
document or array of documents @Embedded
or @EmbeddedArray
annotations respectivelly, can be used.
Database references
Database references allows you to store part of objects hierarchy in separate collection or even database.
Data sanitizing
To prevent storing and transmitting of malicious or bogus data, mangan will automatically set values to proper types based on either built in sanitizers or user defined ones.
Built-in tree structures
There are three aout of the box tree structures for different use cases and different storage.
Object trashing
While it is required to delete some data from time to time, there is available facilities to move objects to trash collection and in case if document is need to be restored, it's pretty easy to do so.
Plain PHP object or Active Record
Decide by yourself to use simple or existing object, use Mangan Active Document implementation or blend it as you like. Thanks to trait's design Mangan document model can be build from existing or custom built blocks. Simply `use` feature trait to add feature to model.
Store and convert objects
Mangan not only allows you to store PHP object into MongoDB, but allows seamless two-way conversion between array, json or even YAML or DataMatrix Code image. Mangan will take care of proper data types and structure.
ObjectId will be stored in MongoDB as ObjectId even if it comes from JSON as string. Other types will be automatically sanitized, based on initial type, or by assigning sanitizer with annotation. Custom conversions can be added as necessary.
Example model
It is converted right here, right now (reload to get new data):
class Customer implements AnnotatedInterface { /** * @Sanitizer(MongoObjectId) * @see MongoObjectId * @var MongoId */ public $_id; public $firstName = ''; public $lastName = ''; public $email = ''; /** * @Embedded(Address) * @var Address */ public $address = null; }Use statements and class header omitted
class Address implements AnnotatedInterface { public $city = ''; public $street = ''; public $home = 0; public $appartment = 0; }
$faker = Factory::create();
$model = new Customer;
$model->_id = new ObjectId;
$model->firstName = $faker->firstName;
$model->lastName = $faker->lastName;
$model->email = $faker->email;
$address = new Address;
$address->appartment = $faker->randomDigit;
$address->home = $faker->randomDigit;
$address->street = $faker->streetName;
$address->city = $faker->city;
$model->address = $address;
Array representaion of model
array ( '_id' => '67e1de3c4d9a1e0926126161', 'firstName' => 'Berneice', 'lastName' => 'Shields', 'email' => '', 'address' => array ( 'city' => 'Wardfort', 'street' => 'Burnice Plaza', 'home' => 2, 'appartment' => 9, '_class' => 'Maslosoft\\ManganExamples\\Embedded\\Address', ), '_class' => 'Maslosoft\\ManganExamples\\Embedded\\Customer', )
Model converted to JSON string
{ "_id": "67e1de3c4d9a1e0926126161", "firstName": "Berneice", "lastName": "Shields", "email": "", "address": { "city": "Wardfort", "street": "Burnice Plaza", "home": 2, "appartment": 9, "_class": "Maslosoft\\ManganExamples\\Embedded\\Address" }, "_class": "Maslosoft\\ManganExamples\\Embedded\\Customer" }
Model converted to YAML string
_id: 67e1de3c4d9a1e0926126161 firstName: Berneice lastName: Shields email: address: city: Wardfort street: 'Burnice Plaza' home: 2 appartment: 9 _class: Maslosoft\ManganExamples\Embedded\Address _class: Maslosoft\ManganExamples\Embedded\Customer
Mangan 7.0.3
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