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MongoDB Object Persister


Related Annotation

See example repository for working example

The @Related annotion allow to load document from other (or same) collection based on owner model value relating the same value of related document with join parameter.

Also allows loading document by static criteria with condition parameter.

This annotation will instruct Mangan to load only one document, compared to related array annotions.

Loaded document will be attached to property of owner document.

Related document must have primary key


This annotation requires related document class name, prefably in form of class literal and one of join or condition parameters. Parameters join and condition can be used together.


Join parameter will be used in criteria for finding related object, and will compare against related document value and owner document value.

Example owner document annotation for join

In this example, owner property value of _id will be used as a value for parentId when loading MyDocument.

 * @Related(MyDocument, join = {'_id' = 'parentId'})
public $subDocument = null;
Example of related document
class MyDocument implements AnnotatedInterface
     * @Sanitizer(MongoObjectId)
    public $_id;

     * @Sanitizer(MongoObjectId)
    public $parentId = null;


The condition parameter can be used to load documents based on static condition. The value used for criteria for loading document will literally same as declared in @Related annotation.

Example owner document annotation for condition

In this example related document having property type of value image will be loaded into property subDocument.

It is recommended to use class constants if possible instead of magic string.

When there are many documents matching `condition`, the first one will be loaded. Order can be changed with `sort` parameter.

 * @Related(MyDocument, condition = {'type' = MyDocument::TypeImage})
public $subDocument = null;
Example of related document
class MyDocument implements AnnotatedInterface
    const TypeImage = 'image';
    const TypeText = 'text';

     * @Sanitizer(MongoObjectId)
    public $_id;

    public $type = '';


While this parameter is more relevant for related array, it can be added also for @Related. This might be useful combined with condition parameter, to have more control of what's might be loaded.

For example sort can be used to load latest related document.

Example of using sort parameter

For setting sort direction is is strongly recommended to use class constants of SortInterface::SortAsc and SortInterface::SortDesc instead of magic number

 * @Related(MyDocument, condition = {'type' = MyDocument::TypeImage}, sort = {createDate = SortInterface::SortAsc})
public $subDocument = null;
Example of related document
class MyDocument implements AnnotatedInterface
    const TypeImage = 'image';
    const TypeText = 'text';

     * @Sanitizer(MongoObjectId)
    public $_id;

    public $type = '';

     * @Sanitizer(DateSanitizer)
    public $createDate = null;


By default related document are updatable, so that any changes of sub document will be stored in database when saving owner document.

This behavior can be changed by setting updatable parameter to false

Properties from both join and condition will be stored in related model even when updatable is false.

Example of using updatable parameter

In this example MyDocument attached to subDocument property will not be updated when storing owner document. However it's property type will be set to MyDocument::TypeImage too keep relation consistent.

 * @Related(MyDocument, condition = {'type' = MyDocument::TypeImage}, updatable = false)
public $subDocument = null;