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MongoDB Object Persister



Keeping data safe and consistent is crucial for application stability. To ensure proper types sanitizers were introduced, however often when working with external user provided data, we need to check and inform user if his input is fine.

Data validation can be performed by placing appropriate annotation on model attribute.

Standalone validator

Validation can be performed by using Validator class, by caling validate() method. This will trigger all model validators, and return true or false depending on validation result. Additionally error messages can be obtained by calling getErrors().

Example of using Validator class:

$validator = new Validator($model);
$isValid = $validator->validate(); // Returns boolean value
$errors = $validator->getErrors(); // Array with errors

Incorporate validation into model

Validation methods can be added directly to model by either using ValidatableTrait or by extending from pre-composed Document class.

The result of it, is that model can be validated without having to use additional class. Usage is exact the same as with standalone validator, except that methods are available directly on model instance.

This is kind of active document approach:

$isValid = $model->validate(); // Returns boolean value
$errors = $model->getErrors(); // Array with errors

Validation before saving model

To ensure that data is validated, validation will be performed before saving by default. This validation can be skipped if desired.

This behavior is the same for EntityManager save() method and also for pre-composed Document save() method.

Example of using document save():

$saved = $model->save(); // Will return false if not valid
$errors = $model->getErrors(); // Will contain error messages if not valid