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Flexible Application Foundation

HTML Decorator

Decorator is specifically suited to output icons and wrap text with appropriate styling for predefined scenarios.

Available methods:


Display informative alert box of text with optional color styled depending on $type of one of MessageType constants:

Will display successfully styled:

Decorator::alert('My message', MessageType::Success);

All possible constants:

  • MessageType::Standard
  • MessageType::Success
  • MessageType::Notice
  • MessageType::Warning
  • MessageType::Error


Badge with large svg image. NOTE: Badge is hidden on small devices


Display copyright years automatically adjusting to current year:


Will return 2001 - 2016


Create fontawesome icon using i tag. To create icon only required param is icon name (without fa- prefix):

echo Decorator::fa('calendar');

Additionally options can be specified according to fontawesome extra classes. These can be string or array:

Twice larger:

echo Decorator::fa('calendar', '2x');

Fixed width and twice larger:

echo Decorator::fa('calendar', ['2x', 'fw']);

There are other options available:

  • lg - 33% larger
  • 2...5x - Twice up to five times larger icons
  • li - To put as a list bullet - need also fa-ul on parent ul tag
  • border - Put border around icon
  • pull-right, pull-left - respectively float icon to right or left
  • spin, pulse - to add rotating animations
  • rotate-90, rotate-180, rotate-270 - to rotate icon
  • flip-horizontal, flip-vertical - to mirror icon across vertical or horizontal axis

Any other CSS class can be added as option too, for example:

echo Decorator::fa('calendar', ['2x', 'fw', 'text-success]);


Display bitmap icon



Wrap key parameter with kbd tag, mostly to show keyboard shortcuts.


Display made by Maslosoft link


Display title suitable for backend of application


Display informative block of text with optional color and icon styled depending on $type of one of MessageType constants:

Will display successfully styled (possibly green, it depends on styles) text with thumbs-up icon:

Decorator::textInfo('My message', MessageType::Success);

All possible constants:

  • MessageType::Standard
  • MessageType::Success
  • MessageType::Notice
  • MessageType::Warning
  • MessageType::Error


Display text styled to be barely noticed, possibly for some really not important or mostly obvious tips.